Parts needed:
Rudderstock with rudder-pin
Rope handle 4mm
Shockcord 4mm
Tiller crossbar

1. Move the rudder-lock rod forward inside the tiller-arm by pulling the rope and securing the rope in the clam-cleat.

2. Insert the head of the rudder foil into the rudderstock cassette.

3. Un-cleat the lock rope and make yourself familiar with how the rudder lock works, by locking and unlocking.
4. Tie the rope handle as illustrated with two figure-eight knots.

5. Tie the 4mm shock cord through the same hole with a bowline.
6. Tie the other end of the 4mm shock cord to the tiller-arm end.

7. The shockcord and the rudder-lock rod uncleated (pulling backward) will hold the rudder foil up in the rudderstock cassette.

8. Mount the rudderstock on the transom gudgeons using the rudder-pin as illustrated in the figure.
9. When afloat, pull the rudder-lock rod forward then extend the rudder-foil to the desired extension. Uncleat the rope and let the rod lock the foil. Check from above that the lock is properly extended into the rudder-foil.

10. Take the phillips screw out of the tillerarm.

11. Place the tiller crossbar in between the arms.
12. Check if the connector for the tiller extension is on top.