Empowering sailors since 1975
  • Prices for:
  • Bowsprit with Compression Pole Installation

  • Estimated reading time: 1 min
  • Requirements

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    2x Bowsprit bridle line - 3mm, 1.5m, black
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    Snuffer line - 3mm, 2m, black
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    4x Clevis pin and ring: 3/16 x 3/8
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    Compression pole (31700)


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    1. Slide the bowsprit over the bowsprit pin on the front beam.

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    2. Mount the compression pole on the bridle connector using a clevis pin. Mount the bowsprit to the compression pole using a clevis pin.

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    3. Push the bowsprit down gently in order to install the bowsprit bridle on the bridle pin with the clevis pins 3/16 x 3/8.

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    4. Tie the bowsprit bridle line in front of the compression pole. Tie the other end to the rings at both bridle wires.

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  • 5. Knot the snuffer line with a bowline around the pole and insert it in the slot of the ring.

  • The line goes in the slot on the front of the snuffer ring!

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  • 6. The other end must be tied on the ring at the bridle.

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    8. Attach the hooks at the end of the snuffer bag to the loops at the bottom of the trampoline.