Empowering sailors since 1975
  • Prices for:
  • Diamond Tension

  • Estimated reading time: < 1 min
  • Requirements

  • Tools needed

    • Wrench 17mm
    • "Loose" tension gauge


  • 1. Put tension on the diamond wires by tensioning the diamond adjuster bolt with a wrench size 17mm. Use the “loose” tension, or an equivalent gauge to measure the tension on the diamond wires.

  • 2. After putting tension on the mast check if the mast is straight. Take a look along the sail groove from mast base to mast top.

  • Basic setting Nacra F16

    Set the diamond wire tension at 25 (loose), 225 KG for 3mm wire.

    • Diameter wire: 3 mm
    • Minimum load (KG): 170KG
    • Maximum load (KG): 250 KG
  • -- If the mast is bent to starboard:

    1. Release the diamond tension
    2. Detach the port diamond wire at the tang and shorten the wire with 1 full twist clockwise.
    3. Attach the port diamond wire at the tang and put tension on the diamond adjuster bolt again. Redo this process if necessary.

  • -- If the mast is bent to port:

    1. Release the diamond tension
    2. Detach the starboard diamond wire at the tang and shorten the wire with 1 full twist clockwise.
    3. Attach the starboard diamond wire at the tang and put tension on the diamond adjuster bolt again. Redo this process if necessary.

  • 3. Tape the rings of the diamond tang when done.