Empowering sailors since 1975
  • Prices for:
  • Trapeze Wires - Adjustable Trapeze Version

  • Estimated reading time: 1 min
  • Requirements

  • placeholder
    Adjustable trapeze line - 5mm, 0.55m, red
  • placeholder
    Ajustable trapeze line - 6mm, 1.2m, grey
  • 1-adjustable-trapeze


  • 1. Connect the shackle to the top of the clamcleat.

  • 2. Feed the long line through the bottom hole of the cam cleat and tie of with a figure 8 knot.

  • 3. Feed the other end of this long line through the trapeze block and back up through the clamcleat. So that the remaining end can be hooked in the cleat.

  • 4. Tie of this long line with a couple of half hitches.

  • 5. Feed the shorter line through the hook and tie it off with a figure 8 knot. Make sure minimally 4 cm of rope is left after the knot to prevent slipping.

  • 6. Feed the other end of the shorter rope through the trapeze block.

  • 7. Slide the stopper on. And secure it with a stopper knot.

  • 8. Finish the adjustable trapeze by making a figure 8 knot 4 cm from the end of the shorter rope.

  • 9. Connect the adjustable trapeze wires to the trapeze line using the shackle

  • 2-adjustable-trapeze

    In the case of a Dyneema trapeze wire

  • 3-adjustable-trapeze

    In the case of a steel trapeze wire